Mayuge Girl Defiled, Impregnated and Rotting From a Mysterious Infection One poverty stricken family in Mayuge district is stranded with its young daughter, recently defiled, impregnated and now rotting at home after a mysterious infection attacking her breasts. The seventeen year old Jane (not her real name) residing with her parents at Mugeri village of Bukatube Sub county in Mayuge district was on August 8 visited by this publication and she tearfully narrated the pain she is experiencing at the moment. Displaying her swollen, elongated up to the waistline and near to decomposing breasts, Jane explained that it all started in December last year with some simple itching that was followed by the swelling that has with time resulted into the current situation. To make things even worse, Jane was in the recent past defiled and she is nine months pregnant hoping to be delivered a baby anytime whose father is away and on the run for fear of being arrested for the offence. “With these...
anesthetic for performing surgical operations was used around 1846 (ether, by Dr. Robert Liston) But how did they do it before that time, when they had to operate on someone? Simple. The patient was kneeled with his head stuck inside a pot and placed on an anvil. At that point an employee hit the pot with a mallet, an action that made the unfortunate person lose consciousness for the duration of the operation. Of course it wasn't infallible, because either he didn't faint right away or they woke up during the operation.