Liberation Holocaust Memorial by Nathan Rapoport: Brotherhood of Man (1911-1987) who is also known as Natan Rapoport, was a Jewish sculptor who was born in Warsaw, Poland.
Liberation Holocaust Memorial by Nathan Rapoport: Brotherhood of Man (1911-1987) who is also known as Natan Rapoport, was a Jewish sculptor who was born in Warsaw, Poland.
His middle name may be rendered in English as either Yaakov or Jacob.
In 1936, he won a scholarship to study in France and Italy. He fled to the Soviet Union when the Nazis invaded Poland.
The Soviets initially provided him with a studio, but later compelled him to work as a manual laborer.
After the end of hostilities, he returned to Poland to study at the Warsaw Academy of Fine Arts. In 1950, Rapoport immigrated to the United States, where he lived in New York until his death in 1987.
His sculptures:
-Liberation (Holocaust Memorial) Liberty State Park, Jersey City, New Jersey
Officially dedicated on May 30, 1985, the monument portrays an American soldier carrying a survivor out of a concentration camp. The chests of the rescuer and rescued are joined, as if sharing one heart.
The way that the survivor's body is cradled in the arms of his liberator reflects comfort and trust. Liberation is a testament to the Americans who liberated the camps, and it is a memorial to those who perished.
But it is also a symbol of the strong helping the weak, not persecuting them. It is a vision of one human being supporting another.
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