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🇺🇲WWII uncovered: Henry Fonda of the US Navy: Veteran of D-Day and Iwo Jima.

 🇺🇲WWII uncovered: Henry Fonda of the US Navy: Veteran of D-Day and Iwo Jima

"Vice Admiral George D. Murray, USN, Commander at Mariana Islands, congratulates Lieutenant Henry J. Fonda, USNR, (right), after he had presented him with the Bronze Star with citation in the name of the United States for meritorious service as an assistant operations officer and air-combat intelligence officer on the staff of Commander Forward Area, Central Pacific and Commander Mariana Islands. Photograph released August 13, 1945." - Feature P poohoto US Navy Historical Archive

Henry Fonda had already established his career as a successful actor coming off of an Academy Award nomination for the classic "The Grapes of Wrath" when he enlisted in the US Navy at the age of 37 on August 22, 1942. 

According to the National World War II Museum: "After basic training, Fonda went to Quartermaster School, graduating in the top 10 of his class of 200. He was briefly assigned to the destroyer USS Satterlee (DD-626) as Quartermaster Third Class. Less than a year after enlisting, Fonda underwent the application process to become an officer. Due to his age (he was 38) Fonda was commissioned at the rank of Lieutenant, Junior Grade, instead of Ensign. 

According to his biography Fonda wanted to serve because he “didn’t want to be a fake in the war studio.” On D-Day, he gave support to the Allies by serving as Quartermaster on the destroyer USS Satterlee. In the first week of May 1944, Satterlee underwent training for a special mission assigned to her for the Normandy landings. She was to support a unit of 200 Army Rangers in eliminating a German gun battery at Pointe du Hoc which commanded the Omaha landing beaches. After escorting minesweepers to the beach area on the night of 5 and 6 June, she commenced pre-arranged fire on Pointe du Hoc at 05:48, 6 June. As the Rangers landed, she broke up enemy units attempting to oppose them from the top of the cliff. (Naval History and Heritage Command)

After receiving a commission, Fonda became an Assistant Air Combat Information Officer and Air Operations Watch Officer in the Pacific Theater. In this role Fonda assisted in the planning and execution of air operations for the Marianas, Western Carolines, and Iwo Jima campaigns. For his involvement in the air operations in those campaigns, Fonda was awarded a Bronze Star. Although Fonda left active duty in November 1945, he remained a reserve officer until his resignation in 1948 because he was “overage in rank.” Despite being overage in rank to remain a naval reserve officer, Fonda would go on to portray a military officer in not only Mister Roberts, but also in iconic World War II films such as: Battle of the Bulge, Midway, and The Longest Day - two of which are pictured below"

(Source National World War II Museum)

Henry Fonda passed away on August 12, 1982 at the age of 77. Lest We Forget.

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WWII uncovered ©️ Original description and photographs sourced by the National World War II Museum, Naval History and Heritage Command and IMDb Database.drop comment in the comment section 


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